123 research outputs found


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    Abstract This research shows that severalfactors have caused the unavailability of worker union. The {actors include the government. the companies. the laws and the workers. The government does not actively socialize and supervise worker unions. Moreover. employers prefer an unofficial worker union rather than the official one. The Indonesian Industrial Relationship Law and Worker Union Law regard worker union as a right rather than an obligation. However. the workers do notfully aware of the benefit of the union. Rather. the workers consider the requirement of providing article of association and financial autonomy as burdens ill establishing the union. The condition is getting worse with the fact that the workers do not I have opportunity to establish the worker union. l Kata kunci : pembentukan serikat pekerja. unit kerja perusahaa


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    Perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga dari perspektif hukum ketenagakerjaan

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    Hukum Ketenagakerjaa

    Real-Time Human Detection Using Deep Learning on Embedded Platforms: A Review

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    The detection of an object such as a human is very important for image understanding in the field of computer vision. Human detection in images can provide essential information for a wide variety of applications in intelligent systems. In this paper, human detection is carried out using deep learning that has developed rapidly and achieved extraordinary success in various object detection implementations. Recently, several embedded systems have emerged as powerful computing boards to provide high processing capabilities using the graphics processing unit (GPU). This paper aims to provide a comprehensive survey of the latest achievements in this field brought about by deep learning techniques in the embedded platforms. NVIDIA Jetson was chosen as a low power system designed to accelerate deep learning applications. This review highlights the performance of human detection models such as PedNet, multiped, SSD MobileNet V1, SSD MobileNet V2, and SSD inception V2 on edge computing. This survey aims to provide an overview of these methods and compare their performance in accuracy and computation time for real-time applications. The experimental results show that the SSD MobileNet V2 model provides the highest accuracy with the fastest computation time compared to other models in our video datasets with several scenarios

    Protocol conformance of collaborative SPARQL using multiparty session types

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    Decentralised linked data gives users rights over their data while being accessible to other domains. The RDF (Resource Description Framework) and SPARQL have been the standard specifications for managing linked data for several years. Recent research and development introduce scalable, centralised and distributed RDF store engines with the SPARQL. However, writing SPARQL federated queries may grow more complex as the number of domain participants increases, presenting challenges such as source discovery, completeness and performance. This paper presents a SPARQL Query Template (SQT) that applies Multiparty Session Types (MPST) to determine the order of federated queries. We also guarantee protocol conformance between MPST and SPARQL relational algebra


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    This juridical-normative research was conducted on the basis of secondary data as its primary source. We analysed the data using qualitative method and present our findings in a descriptive discussion. This research studies the balance of rights and obligations of workers and employers by analyzing Act Number 13 of 2004 on Manpower. In the same regulation, it was found that there was no balance in the rights of workers and employers in situation of a labour strike. The provisions in the regulation hinders strikes to be legally initiated, this is seenfrom the inbalance in strike and lock out provisions where procedures to initiate a strike is made to be more difficult. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif, mendasarkan pada data sekunder sebagai sumber data utama. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil analisis selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk uraian yang bersifat deskriptif.Penelitianini dilakukanuntuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimanakah perimbangan hak dan kewajiban pekerja dan pengusaha dari segi teks Undang-Undang Nomor 13Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan.Kesimpulan yang didapatkanbahwa memang ada ketidakseimbangan hak pekerja dan pengusahadalam ketentuanmogokkerja yang diatur dalamUndang-Undang\u27KetenagakerjaanTerdapat ketentuan yang dapat menyulitkan mogok berlangsung secara sah, ketidakseimbangan juga terlihat jika ketentuan mogok kerja dibandingkan dengan ketentuan lock out yang merupakan hak dasar pengusaha

    Penerapan Sanksi terhadap Pelanggaran Pptkis dalam PRA Penempatan Tki di Luar Negeri

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    Act 39 of 2004 concerning Placement and Protection of Indonesian Labor in Foreign Country has detf!rmined and regulated sanction that can be deliveredfor violation by Private Indonesian Labor Placement Agency (PPTKlS) in worker pre-placement inforeign country. The sanction includes administrative sanction and criminal sanction. This research was intended to study enforcement of administrative and criminal sanction for violation of PPTKlS in labor placement inforeign country and resettlement of dispute between PPTKIS and TKI candidate in relation to placement agreement. The results of the research indicated that there was violation by PPTKIS in pre-placement in foreign country. The violation was on recruitment of labor candidates. PPTKlS did not ask approval from institution responsible for employment about recruitment information. Indonesian Labor Service and Placement Office (BP2TKl) have delivered written war


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    Perubahan kurikulum yang sering terjadi di Republik ini berimplikasi juga terhadap aplikasi pendidikan di lapangan, terkhusus menyangkut pendekatan pembelajaran yang dipakai oleh masing-masing guru. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca terkait perbedaan pendekatan kontekstual dengan pendekatan tradsional serta penerapannya ketika di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode analisis isi (content analysis), jenis data kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik kepustakaan. Salah satu yang dapat ditemukan terkait perbedaan pendekatan kontekstual dan tradisional adalah dalam pendekatan kontekstual siswa secara aktif terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran. Sedangkan dalam pendekatan tradisional siswa adalah penerima informasi secara pasif

    Keseimbangan Hak dan Kewajiban Pekerja dan Pengusaha dalam Mogok Kerja

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    This juridical-normative research was conducted on the basis of secondary data as its primary source. We analysed the data using qualitative method and present our findings in a descriptive discussion. This research studies the balance of rights and obligations of workers and employers by analyzing Act Number 13 of 2004 on Manpower. In the same regulation, it was found that there was no balance in the rights of workers and employers in situation of a labour strike. The provisions in the regulation hinders strikes to be legally initiated, this is seen from the inbalance in strike and lock out provisions where procedures to initiate a strike is made to be more difficult. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif, mendasarkan pada data sekunder sebagai sumber data utama. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil analisis selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk uraian yang bersifat deskriptif.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimanakah perimbangan hak dan kewajiban pekerja dan pengusaha dari segi teks Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan bahwa memang ada ketidakseimbangan hak pekerja dan pengusaha dalam ketentuan mogok kerja yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan. Terdapat ketentuan yang dapat menyulitkan mogok berlangsung secara sah, ketidakseimbangan juga terlihat jika ketentuan mogok kerja dibandingkan dengan ketentuan lock out yang merupakan hak dasar pengusaha
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